What we do

We Turn Ambitions Into Achievements and build a future where everyone can live a self-determined life with confidence and purpose

Join us in this transformative journey!

At Aghaez Professional Services, we design and implement innovative Entrepreneurship, Workforce, and Community development projects. We provide tailored support to aspiring entrepreneurs and job seekers to embark on entrepreneurial journeys and acquire essential workforce skills.

Our initiatives not only enhance skills and foster entrepreneurship but also create vibrant communities where knowledge is shared, connections are made, and support is abundant.

Creating Sustainable Economies

Our mission of creating sustainable economies is fulfilled by empowering Individuals to lead self-determined lives. We do this by providing entrepreneurship training, freelancing training, soft and hard skill training, and building supportive communities.

Entrepreneurship Development

Through business incubation, acceleration, mentorship, training, and innovative resources, Aghaez empowers both aspiring and current entrepreneurs to launch promising startups and enhance existing businesses.

Trained Proudly

2k+ indviduals

Completed Successfully

35+ projects

Workforce Development

Through specialized workshops, professional training, and leadership development programs, Aghaez equips individuals with essential in-demand skills, ensuring they are well-prepared to secure better job opportunities.

Trained Proudly

450+ Job Seekers

Completed Successfully

5 projects

Community Development

Through engaging events, outreach programs, and networking initiatives, Aghaez nurtures vibrant and inclusive communities, fostering collaboration and driving meaningful social impact.

Build Successfully

18 Communities

Acquired Successfully

2k+ Members

Our Target Population

At Aghaez Professional Services, our initiatives are methodically crafted to cater to a diverse range of individuals. We are dedicated to empowering:

Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Individuals packed with innovative ideas and entrepreneurial spirit, ready to embark on their startup journeys.

Current Entrepreneurs

Owners of startups and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) striving to enhance, expand, and fortify their existing businesses.

Job Seekers

Men, women, youth, and migrants in search of better employment opportunities, equipped with essential skills and knowledge to secure fulfilling jobs.

Community Builders

Visionaries and enthusiasts eager to foster collaboration, create social impact, and contribute to vibrant, inclusive communities.

Join us in shaping the next chapter of our story as we work together to empower, inspire, and create sustainable economies worldwide.